P3 Miss Cunningham
The order of these is subject to change and will be revisited and explored throughout the year.
Sept/Oct |
Nov/Dec |
Jan/Feb |
March/April |
April/May |
May/June |
Place value | Addition and subtraction | Money | length and height | Fractions | Data handling |
Addition and subtraction | Shape | Multiplication and division | Mass, capacity and temperature | Time | Space |
Mental maths and simple number bonds | Mental maths and simple number bonds | Mental maths and simple number bonds | Mental maths and simple number bonds | Mental maths and simple number bonds | Mental maths and simple number bonds |
Problem solving activities | Problem solving activities | Problem solving activities | Problem solving activities | Problem solving activities | Problem solving activities |
Topics will be revisited and explored throughout the year.
We will cover a variety of writing styles as shown below:
Sept/Oct |
Nov/Dec |
Jan/Feb |
March/April |
April/May |
May/June |
Recount |
Procedure |
Explanation | Report | Persuasive | Narrative |
These will tie in with our topics for the year.
Each week we will also learn about, grammar, spelling, punctuation and comprehension.
World Around us:
Our topics for the year are shown below:
Sept-Oct |
Nov/Dec |
Jan/Feb |
March/April |
April/May |
May/June |
The Great Outdoors | The Great Outdoors | Transport | Transport | Food | Food |
22nd Jan 2025
This morning Primary 3 performed a lovely poem in our assembly to celebrate Grandparent's...
20th Dec 2024
Congratulations to our P3 and P4 pupils on their amazing performance of their Nativity,...
11th Dec 2024
Thank you to Apple Blossom Pre School for coming to our dress rehearsal today. We...
6th Dec 2024
The boys and girls in P3 were very excited to see a very special visitor from Royal...
Latest Photographs
Class Photograph

St Joseph's Primary School, 4 Ballynahinch Rd, Crossgar, Downpatrick BT30 9HS Phone:028 4483 0810