P4 Mrs Shields / Miss Keenan
Welcome to Primary 4
A little bit about our lovely class:
We have 20 children in Primary 4 this year. (9 girls and 11 boys).
Our teacher is Mrs Shields, however, she will be busy spending lots of quality time at home with her little boy. Miss Keenan will be teaching Primary 4 until her return.
Our assistants are Mrs Connelly and Mrs Flanagan.
This year we will be concentrating on our independent learning skills and building our academic confidence. We also look forward to celebrating our First Holy Communion.
There will be lots of new information this year and so much hard work undertaken as we steer toward KS2. We know we must work hard in Primary 4, but we also know it is important to have fun along the way!
There will continue to be a whole school focus on Health and Wellbeing this year and we will be studying topics such as settling in, resilience, mindfulness, friendship, managing our feelings, kindness, conflict resolution and transitioning.
Below are some key days to remember when packing your school bag and getting prepared for school:
Monday: Return Friday test book (2 house points if it's signed by a parent / guardian)
PE Gear today!
Thursday: PE gear today!
Friday: Spelling test, number check up and mixed mental maths quiz (make sure you've done lots of practise through the week)
Children should wear FULL school uniform. This includes yellow polo shirt, blue jumper with school crest, plain BLACK shoes or plain BLACK trainers and grey smart trousers, skirt or pinafore.
Jogging bottoms and leggings are not permitted on these days.
On PE days, children may wear PLAIN black or grey leggings or jogging bottoms. No detailing should be visible. Patterned leggings are NOT appropriate school uniform.
Homework for the following week will usually be sent home on a Monday if this is possible for us. It can be completed whenever is most appropriate for your family but must be brought back into school by Friday morning in time for preparation for the next week’s homework. Homework is currently marked verbally in discussion with the children.
The children may begin to practise peer marking with homework which will be overseen by the teacher.
Monday - Friday : Children need a HEALTHY snack each day (Bread based snack, fruit, veg or a yoghurt) and hot dinners must be booked before midnight the previous day using the school money system.
Don’t forget your water bottle. Water / sugarfree still flavoured water only in waterbottles during class time and fruit juice (not fizzy) can be brought with you for lunch time.
We adhere to a healthy schools policy in Saint Joseph's. Please be mindful of this when packing lunch boxes.
See NHS healthier families website for ideas.
Here is an outline of what we will be covering this year across the curriculum:
**This is subject to change slightly based on teacher assessment**
(The order of these is subject to change)
Sept/Oct |
Nov/Dec |
Jan/Feb |
March/April |
April/May |
May/June |
Number -Place Value -Addition and Subtraction |
Number -Addition and Subtraction -Multiplication and Division |
Number -Multiplication and Division
Number -Fractions
Number -Fractions
Number -Consolidation
Mental Maths |
Mental maths |
Mental maths |
Mental maths |
Mental maths |
Mental maths |
Times tables -(up to 10x10) |
Times tables -(up to 10x10) |
Times tables -(up to 10x10) |
Times tables -(up to 10x10) |
Times tables -(up to 10x10) |
Times tables -(up to 10x10) |
Problem solving |
Problem solving |
Problem solving |
Problem solving |
Problem solving |
Problem solving |
Measure -Time |
Shape and Space |
Measure -Length and Perimeter |
Measure -Mass and Capacity
Measure -Money -Time |
-Handling Data -Shape and Space |
We will cover a variety of writing styles as shown below:
Sept/Oct |
Nov/Dec |
Jan/Feb |
March/April |
April/May |
May/June |
Recount |
Procedure |
Narrative | Report | Persuasive | Explanation |
These will tie in with our World Around Us and / or Health and Wellbeing topics for the year.
World Around us:
Our topics for the year are shown below:
Sept-Oct |
Nov/Dec |
Jan/Feb |
March/April |
April/May |
May/June |
Animals and Habitats |
Animals and Habitats/ Christmas |
Ireland and Our Local Area |
Ireland and Our Local Area/ Easter |
Water |
Water/ Summer safety |
We learn about our topic across all aspects of the curriculum including Literacy, Numeracy, ICT and The Arts.
Miss Keenan
Latest Photographs

St Joseph's Primary School, 4 Ballynahinch Rd, Crossgar, Downpatrick BT30 9HS Phone:028 4483 0810